Stress, Anxiety, and Perfectionism

Are you feeling unhappy or overwhelmed even though your life looks great on the outside?


You struggle with having high expectations for yourself and constantly feel like you’re a mess. You compare yourself to those around you and usually feel like you’re not good enough. You have too much going on in your life and don’t know how to keep everything going.


Your relationships are good, but sometimes unfulfilling. You often feel lonely, even though you’re almost never alone. It’s hard to connect and be vulnerable with others about how you’re struggling because you don’t want anyone else to judge you like you judge yourself.


You live with an underlying sense of anxiety that often spikes with stressors, like when you feel like you’ve made a mistake or are insecure in a social situation. When you’re really anxious, it’s so hard to balance everything else and get through your day.


Feeling this way is exhausting and can rob us of the joy in our lives and in our relationships. So often, we don’t know how to manage or what to do to feel better. I understand what it’s like to struggle in these ways and I can help.


Learn to let go of high expectations, pressure, and stress. Find balance.


In therapy, we can start to unpack what got you to this place and when you started feeling you weren’t enough. Maybe you’ve felt this way your whole life, or maybe it started more recently and is connected to your career, your relationship, or motherhood. Once we understand it’s roots, you can begin to heal and grow. Our work together will help you decrease stress and anxiety by learning to let go of a need to please or be perfect, and to have more compassion for yourself,


Along the way, we can figure out which parts of your life need some shifts. Whether it’s your work schedule, responsibilities around the house, lack of exercise, or time with your partner – we’ll explore which parts of your life are bringing you down and which parts are bringing you joy. Our goal is more joy, and less stress.


Ready to get started?


Schedule your free phone consultation





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